Financial Humor
Trump’s First News Conference
In his first press conference as President-elect, Donald Trump berated a CNN reporter for supplying “fake news”.
All I want for Christmas is a Winning Trade
A winning trade, is the bonanza all traders are seeking. There’s no secret equation to a winning trade, but there are some steps to follow, that will increase your chances of reaching a victory.
Estimated Clinton Victory Influence on the Stock Market
Though the polls have long marked the U.S. election as nearly neck and neck, the market has clearly shown that it favors a win by Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, rather than a victory by Donald Trump.
How Does the Presidential Election Affect the Currency Market?
There’s just over a week until the US presidential election 2016, and both candidates have their related scandals. Now is the time for the voters to select between the lesser of the two evils.
Will Brexit Hurt Britain? Will it Affect the Euro Trading?
Brexit is forecasted to be the most expensive 'political divorce'. Will the pound balance the storm, or will it sink further? How will the GBP/Euro trading be affected?
Trump V Clinton
Who will win the 2016 election? Trump or Clinton?
Does Your Forex Broker Offer Cocoa Trading?
Whether you’re looking for your first Forex broker or you need a change from your current broker for any reason, it’s important to examine your new broker fully before depositing money.
Who Needs a Personal Trainer?
There are many ways to learn things. You can watch video tutorials, read books or articles and attend classes. But sometimes a bit of personal training is just what you need to kick start your education.
I'd Rather Be Trading
Happy holidays and best wishes for a profitable 2014!
What Do Forex Traders Do?
Forex traders do lots of things- and don't do many others. See what Forex traders do (for real!) at
Euro Humor in Trying Times
The situation in the Eurozone seems to be getting more desperate by the minute. Take a break from the stress with this Euro humor from
Mobile Forex Trading – Then and Now
Mobile Forex trading enables traders to profit anywhere – and with this Forex cartoon, traders can laugh all the way to the bank.
Greek Debt Crisis - (No) Laughing Matter
Want to laugh about the Greek debt crisis while the world is crying? Check out this financial cartoon - and the thoughtful analysis that goes with it.