Risk Management Techniques
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Risk Management Techniques
As its now been one year since the SNB crisis, we ask how this event has changed the behavior of Forex traders and Forex brokers.
You should always use some kind of hard stop loss order that is entered into your trading platform. When your stop losses are hit, it can feel like a slap in the face.
Don't feel obligated to take the first signals provider you find - with today's signals marketplaces, you can find one that is perfect for you!
When Forex traders place their trades, the majority of them have no idea what their final destination is as far as price. Because of this, there is a certain set of situations that dictate whether or not you may want to place a take profit order when trading Forex.
Traders often hear advertisements that tout outrageous gains like 50% in one week. We start trading for a while, and suddenly will reality sets in as we understand that these gains are not sustainable. Now that reality has set in, let's take a look at how a prudent trader goes about discovering how to control their risk in the Forex market.
Unfortunately for the legitimate Forex brokers out there, the entire industry has a negative reputation due to the many scammy brokers out there. It is for this reason that foreign exchange regulation agencies and specifically the CFTC were born.
If you believe all the hype, and the glitzy websites, and the bold lettering of some of the Forex brokers, Forex signal providers, and Forex automated trading systems, you would think that when talking about Forex risk management you are talking about what to do with all the money you'll be instantly making.
In a move that will certainly benefit the Forex trader, and certainly the legitimate Forex brokers, The Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) on October 18, 2010 now requires what amounts to all Forex brokers to register with the CFTC.
Beware of August trading! The big players are hunting for your stop loss and will do this very very well until they will close most of the open trades of the Forex retail traders (you and me) out there.
Is it a good idea to consider serious Forex training at the start of your trading career? A recent survey highlighted the fact that only about 5% of traders plan to use demo trading for a period of two years or more before going live.