FXFlat Review


FXFlat describes itself as “a broker for trading in the attractive Forex and CFD markets”. They may assume that your visit to their website has attracted you to them. This German company functions as an online presence for the asset management company Heyder Krueger & Colleagues. Since it’s founding in 1997 Heyder Krueger & Colleagues has specialized in financial consulting and asset management. That company is licensed by the German financial supervisory authorities and subject to their direct supervision.
FXFlat gives its clients access and use of a trading platform comprised of FlatTrader, FXFlat WebTrader and MobileTrader. These components work together to provide market access to FX and CFD traders from virtually anywhere on earth.
FlatTrader is designed to for trading a multitude of CFD derivates and Forex spot transactions.
FXFlat WebTrader adds internet functionality to features and functionalities found in a conventional download-trading platform. No download is required when using FXFlat on the web, however.
FXFlat MobileTrader brings mobile convenience to the execution of an ever-expanding set of trade related functions. In the case of MobileTrader it is necessary to visit FXFlat on the web for a rundown of exactly what your particular Blackberry, iPhone or PDA is capable of doing once MobileTrader is loaded onto your device.
Should you decide to open an account with them the team from FXFlat promises to be at your side daily from 08:00 a.m. to 22:00 p.m. Monday to Friday and commits its colleagues in London to 24 hours daily support on an absolutely for free basis.
FXFlat offers a demo account for training purposes as well and believes that its demo system is a critical element in its educational effort to ensure that clients have access to state of the art technology and accurate market information. Account types range from retail to institutional with FXFlat.

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Review info: FXFlat
Review Date:
Rating : 3
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