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Halifax Online is an online banking site based in the United Kingdom and is a division of Bank of Scotland plc. The site allows online banking options for Halifax and Bank of Scotland accounts, as well as credit card, loan and mortgage account holders. Financial information is available but you must be a Halifax or Bank of Scotland account holder to manage your finances online. The Halifax Online site also contains information about various offers and account options for prospective clients.
Investment Guides
The Halifax Online website offers investment guides that can help you decide whether investing is the right choice for you. They also explain the differences between investment products and translate all the investment industry language into simple terms. The Halifax ‘5 Steps to Investing’ section offers the basic keys to consider before investing for the first time and covers areas such as types of risk you can encounter when investing as well as risk management. A review of the different types of assets accompanies the introduction.
Halifax Online offers both personal and business account options. On the landing page of the site, you can find information on all their options, rates and fees for bank accounts, credit cards, loans and mortgages. Additionally, you can research mortgage and loan options, and access mortgage calculators to help find the right options for you. Halifax online also offers information about savings accounts, investments and pensions, share dealing, and various insurance plans. Finally, Halifax online offers travel money and travel insurance with links to destination guides to help you safely plan your trips.
Log on
The Halifax Online site is easy to navigate and information on products and services is readily available. Account holders are able to log into a secure banking site to manage their bank accounts, credit card, and loan and mortgage balances. Additionally, the website contains a branch locator option to find a bank in your area.
Customer support is available by phone 7 days a week during business hours. There is also a help center on the website that provides answers to frequently asked questions and tips on financial stability. The help section also offers personalized help via contact with any of the 800 branches located throughout the United Kingdom to further address your financial opportunities.
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Review info: Halifax Online
Review Date: 2014-04-27
Rating :
Reviewed By : Sara Patterson